About Us

Judith Anderson
Judith Anderson founded A&R Consulting in 1991, and is the firm’s Managing Partner. She currently works with global and cross functional management teams and lends insights on how communication and productivity can improve so that critical goals are reached more easily and gracefully.

James Rust
Jim Rust is retired, but consults on an ad hoc basis on unique and challenging quantitative modeling assignments.

Amy Wilczynski (New York City area)
Amy is an executive coach and skilled facilitator with over a decade of experience working with global companies in the US and Europe in a wide range of sectors, in particular pharma and tech. Amy is passionate about helping 21st century leaders and teams advance their skills and capabilities to achieve their full potential using evidence-based tools. She has a holistic approach to coaching to improve leadership effectiveness and organizational design. She works with leaders as well as their teams to amp up resilience and drive in environments that are constantly changing, demanding and challenging. Amy is certified in Leadership Circle Profile, the Enneagram, and is a graduate of University of Santa Monica.

Annabelle Harling (London area)
Annabelle qualified as an accountant at PwC and led turnarounds and transactions for 20 years, usually appointed by major UK banks. Having realized that value creation is driven by quality interactions between leaders, teams and stakeholders, she gained postgraduate qualifications in executive, leadership and team coaching. She now works with globally-diverse leaders and teams to rewire the relationships that connect them with each other and their stakeholders. Her focus is on helping clients deliver inspiring, value-creating strategy in a connected, meaningful way -while staying aligned with personal values. The approach A&R has developed over the past 30 years is beautifully aligned with Annabelle’s perspective, and she was delighted to join the team in 2021.

Susan Steiner (Zurich area)
As an executive coach and team facilitator, Susan guides leaders to appreciate and make the most of their unique strengths so they get clear what they want, understand their leadership role on the team, and find their authentic way forward. She is passionate about helping people reach goals and prosper at work as well as personally. Working with A&R since 2014 primarily in the Pharma industry, Susan is an ICF credentialed coach, experienced in Goal Acceleration, and certified in Human Design/BG5.

Christine Chui (Hong Kong)
Christine is a seasoned executive coach who blends her two decades of business management and coaching experience to support leaders in global organizations to maximize their growth and results. She works in Asia Pacific and Europe across diversified sectors, including pharma, financial services, and luxury goods. Christine supports her clients to generate new perspectives, adopt different approaches and styles, build trust, and create and sustain a culture that inspires people to align and excel in the ever-changing and ambiguous environment. Her coaching has advanced the resilience, effectiveness, performance, and bottom-line metrics of her clients and their teams. Christine is one of the first 10 coaches who have been awarded the Professional Certified Coach accreditation from the ICF in Hong Kong.

George Fleming (Asheville, North Carolina, USA)
George is an executive leadership coach and facilitator who has helped to support leaders at pharma and biotech companies, among others, for 20 years. As a coach, George’s passions include assisting leaders to achieve tangible goals while experiencing personal transformation. Inner breakthroughs lead to accelerated outer results, so often the focus is on helping leaders to accelerate achieving their goals through expanded self-awareness, growing past limiting approaches, expanding what they perceive as possible, increasing their resilience and greatly upleveling their “game” and impact. George is accredited by the International Coach Federation and earned his Master’s degree in Psychology from the University of Santa Monica in 2003. He has been working with A&R since 2006.

Peggy Nagae
Peggy started her career as a trial attorney and has expertise in conflict resolution and diversity strategy. She coaches both individuals and teamS but is now semi-retired and only taking on select assignments.

Michael Naylor
Michael Naylor is a facilitator, coach and teacher with a special emphasis on the Enneagram tool as a method of self-awareness and accelerator of team effectiveness and productivity. He affiliated with A&R in 2014 and supports A&R’s customized training on the Enneagram for teams.

Barbara Brady
Barbara is a cultural facilitator and communications expert who has 30 years’ experience of working with global leaders. She holds a Masters in International Management and is the Author of “Make the Right Move Now: Your Personal Relocation guide.” She has lived and worked in Europe, Asia and the US.

Kurt Steiner
Kurt is an educator and facilitator, teaching for 18 years in Switzerland and facilitating, in both English and German, workshops and Intensives in the U.S. and Europe. His business experience includes restaurant management, opening the European branch of a non-profit organization, and owning and operating an entertainment establishment for eight years.
The Anderson & Rust Story
Judith Anderson founded Anderson & Rust Consulting in 1991.
Our Mission: Be a bridge that leaders cross to get from where they are to where they want to be – and discover more of who they are on the journey.
Our Values:
- Accelerate our client’s success and growth
- Stretch and learn the way we ask our clients to do
- One for all and all for one
Our History
Judith Anderson founded A&R when Stolt-Neilson, a leading logistics company, offered: “If you ever want to start a consulting business, we have a job for you.” Jim Rust became A&R’s first associated partner in 1991, bringing world class mathematical modeling skills. Through 2004, A&R focused on logical modeling, answering questions such as “How many bakeries does Burger King need, and where should they be located?” and “How do we get all the parts to arrive at an automotive engine plant just in time?”
A&R clients asked Judith and Jim to facilitate internal teams charged with solving these kinds of problems, for example: “How do we cut our manufacturing costs by 30%?” Jim demonstrated tremendous strength in showing other how to think through these challenges and Judith became increasingly interested in team dynamics and working collaboratively across functions to solve these challenges. In 1999, Judith added a Masters in Psychology to her credentials. She began working with another associate partner, Tom Dyer, to design the ‘Goal Acceleration’ coaching program for leaders and leadership teams. From 2001, other partners joined A&R to deliver the Goal Acceleration program, including Peggy Nagae, Susan Steiner, George Fleming, Christine Chui and Amy Wilczynski. Along the way, many others with specialized capabilities partnered with A&R and contributed to our success. Today, coaching individuals and teams and facilitating customized workshops are the primary focus of A&R.
All of A&R Associates, fondly known as “The Musketeers,” support, encourage and learn from one another.
A&R’s competencies include creating clarity around shared goals, addressing unproductive behaviors, and improving communication and collaboration so that goals are reached with less trauma and drama, and evermore grace and ease.
A&R integrates a number of tools in its analytical process to turn data into insightful information for decision making and problem-solving that improves business results. While with Jim Rust’s retirement, we no longer do analytical modeling, our interest in business success and what it takes to get there remains a passion.