Privacy Policy Update

We never share names, emails or other confidential information with those outside Anderson & Rust (A&R; Consulting LLC). In addition to our current privacy policy the following information shall serve as an addendum to such.

What personal information do we collect?

A&R; collects only names, phone number, addresses and email addresses via our sign-up forms and through the course of other interactions.

How and why we collect it

We collect your information to offer correspondence and relevant communications. We do not do direct or unsolicited marketing. We do offer reflective advice periodically via ‘Nirvana Nuggets’ to our coaching clients and associates. For United States and Canadian residents, we also make you aware of when our Enneagram Workshops are held if you have expressed interest. You may opt out of our emails (Nirvana Nuggets) at any time by simply using the unsubscribe button at the bottom of any of our emails.

How we use it

Your information is only used to send email correspondence.

How we secure it

Your information is secured through our email service provider with a guarantee to be kept safe. We do not intentionally share your information with any 3rd parties.