“The experience was one of the most insightful and powerful transformational experiences we have shared…”
CSCMP Roundtable
Companies & People We’ve Worked With

“…unique ability to cut to the chase with insights to effect more productive behavior in colleagues and, more importantly, oneself.”
Working with A&R Consulting was a great experience.
Nirvana Nuggets
News and Events
Annabelle Harling (London area)
Prior to associating with A&R, Annabelle qualified as an accountant at PwC and led turnarounds and transactions for 20 years, usually appointed by major UK banks. Having realized that value creation is driven by quality interactions between leaders, teams and...
A&R Founder Judith Anderson opens Miami Office
Our newest location is located along the banks of the Miami River, near Brickell City Centre steps from The Underline. Along with container ships, shrimpers and yachts you will find full moon paddle boarders, rowing skiffs and floating tiki bars. The Miami River area...
Feeling Feelings
This months Nirvana Nugget is about emotions. The truth is, if you want to feel joy, you must be willing to feel anger. But for some of us, feeling upset feelings like annoyance, irritation, fear and takes training. I remember a time when asked a mundane question...
The Corporate Path to Nirvana
After The Path to Corporate Nirvana was published in 2003, an Amazon reviewer said it should have been called The Corporate Path to Nirvana. He was right. Some days at work are filled with frustrations, challenges and irritations - times when we want to throw...
Featured Workshops
Enneagram for Leaders and Teams
- For developing leaders, the enneagram tool is our favorite profile system
- It looks not only at what we do, but our underlying motivation
- It’s a self-awareness tool and helps us understand one another’s response to stress
- Developmentally, the enneagram describes strategies for managing behaviors that don’t work so well, often blind spots
- A&R customizes the workshop to meet the needs of the team
- We deliver the workshop F2F and virtually
Cross Cultural Transitions
Whether 1:1 or in workshops, participants
- Develop ‘Cultural Intelligence’ – awareness of self and others’ world view and values
- Learn how to bridge gaps and communicate effectively with other cultures
- Mitigate stress of cultural shock; Help family members do the same
- Prepare a personal plan to live and work successfully in another culture
Pragmatic Communication Skills
- This powerful workshop addresses how to devise core messages, manage one’s self talk and become aware and adapt body language for greater impact
- Real work scenarios reflecting day to day work form the basis for practicing delivery, such as influencing without authority in a meeting among peers and effectively enlisting support from senior leaders
- Video taping in advance of the workshop has everyone focused on what specifically to work on
- Skills for giving and receiving feedback make this a powerful support took for intact teams